coverThe Essential Guide to the Internet
for Health Professionals

Sydney S. Chellen 2000

A personal review by Rod Ward - 2.6.00

This book provides an overview of the various components of the internet and suggests how these might be used by nursing students, and others new to the internet, to communicate and find relevant information. Sections include an overview of health and the net, ways of getting online and using the world wide web, email and newsgroups, and searching of the web and common health databases.

Rather than being a textbook it is a collection of worksheets and exercises, prepared with students of a particular college of nursing in mind, and this detracts slightly from its usefulness in other colleges or for users connecting to the Internet from home. The text is generally clear and any technical terms explained, although some of the screenshots from computer screens could be clearer. The contents, appendices, glossary and index are useful in quickly finding the relevant area, and provide checklists for future reference.

I was slightly confused about the suggestion that the book provides a photocopiable resource, but also contains the standard "Rights reserved" statement, which says that it cannot be reprinted or reproduced, by any means.

The book is up to date and appropriately targeted to the UK nursing and healthcare education market and would make a good resource for any library, however the price of £29.99 seems a little expensive for individuals just starting out to explore the internet.

Title: The essential guide to the internet for health professionals.
Edited by: Sydney S. Chellen
Publishers: Routledge
No of pages: 215
Price: £29.99
ISBN: 0 415 22747 X

This book is available from Amazon

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Page Created: 2.6.2000
Last Updated: 30.10.2005